This means that i have to find out information about Digital Etiquette.
I found this very interesting question on digiteen, If you're a member reply! Let me see what you think!
Where do you draw the line between having fun and being inappropriate online? Is it different online than offline?
I think that the line is drawn when its the kind of fun you wouldn't want your parents to see, or watch.. That goes for all public profiles and social networking sites and chats. If people can identify you, nobody would say something like that *e.g when you wouldn't say it to someones face, or in a street, you shouldn't say it online, in public* Anyone can access anything online, no matter how secure the privacy. You just need the right tools. What i'm trying to say is that having fun should be on facebook, not on Digiteen- Where its a website for ***Digital Citizenship for Teenagers***. Sure, you can socialize, appropriately.What I'm saying is that the question isn't when you draw the line, its where you choose to act upon the boundaries of that line, of having fun and being inappropriate.